Rules and solutions


"According to legend, the Brahmins of Gangotri Monastery were given the sacred task of moving a tower of 64 discs following the order dictated by the god Brahma. This movement requires a minimum of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 moves and would require 2160 million centuries, the duration of the universe. When these monks have completed this task, the universe will sink into chaos for a night of equal duration, after which Brahma, awakening, will begin the work of creation again.

1. The rules

The principle is to transfer the tower of 9 disks from a starting location to an arrival location via an intermediate location. All in a minimum number of moves.

The rules to follow are as follows:

  • Only one disk can be moved at a time.
  • Each disk can only be placed on a larger disk or on an empty slot.


To start gently, practice with 3 discs. Gradually add an additional disc until you can complete the 9 disc tower.

With each additional disc, the number of hits will be doubled.

So we move 3 disks in 7 moves, 4 disks in 14 moves... and 9 in 511 moves

2. Moving the tower

To visualize the principle of movements, here are the first 15 moves of a 5-disc tower.

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