Rules and solutions


Loculus of Archimedes is one of the oldest known puzzles, attributed to Archimedes. Of the three existing manuscripts, one, written in Greek, was discovered in the Jerusalem palimpsest. A Latin version also exists, probably executed by the copyist monks of the Renaissance. But it is the last proposal of the Stomachion, of which we only have an Arabic version, that we have chosen and translated according to the interpretation of the German orientalist Henri Suter, published in 1899.

1. Aim of the game

The Perfect Square: Assemble the 14 pieces to create a perfect square.

There are 536 different solutions to reconstruct the complete square using the 14 pieces.

Creative Shapes: We offer you a non-exhaustive selection of the most creative shapes to form.

Let your creativity speak

Challenge yourself to create a free figure that does not yet exist. This can be abstract geometric shapes or figurative forms such as animals or human silhouettes.

2. The shapes

3. solutions

Questions about a puzzle, a new solution? We will be happy to read your message.