Rules and solutions

The Brick

The original Varikuiz puzzle brick was directly inspired by termite mound clay bricks used in house construction in parts of Africa.

1. The aim of the game

  • Form a four-layer brick
  • Each layer should therefore have 5 round holes, 5 square holes and 5 star holes.
  • Each hole must be on a similar hole.
  • Two identical parts cannot be mounted on top of each other.
  • This brick has no break lines between layers.
  • There is only one known solution to this problem.


Each combined layer can have up to 1008 different faces. The 4 layers give up to 1,028,071,936,000 possible combinations.

The eye will obviously bring these values ​​into a fair proportion without forgetting that everything is just a series of adjustments, movements and reflections down to the last element.

2. Solution

The only known solution to this problem

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